Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Programming Update 1

My monitor resolution is 1280 x 960, the game is currently 320 by 200. Here is a picture of it in "standard" and "full screen" mode.

I tried capturing it in different bit depths to show you the difference. Above is 32 bit. For some reason 8 bit (bellow, right) came out looking significantly worse than it did on screen, but even so it basically couldn't handle the red corner at all. The 16 bit version (bellow, left) is an accurate representation of what it looked like on screen.

Personally I'd like to stick to 320 by 200 in 16 bit because I like the look of it, but we can play around and see what works better. Ultimately it's Liz's decision since she's in charge of artwork.


  1. Ah bollocks it re-sized/de-qualitied all the images... thanks Google.

    Ok when I say 320 by 200 in 16 bit imagine Gemini Rue level of pixelation with half the number of colours your computer can normally do.

    1. As Liz pointed out, "right click" -> "open link in new window" shows it at its true size. Google is forgiven now.

  2. Aye aye. I think I can set my palette in PS to 16bit so that's nice. Will look into it.
